#112: It was good, it was really good.
Tuesday 12/3/24
Theatre is the long game. I’m sure I’ve talked about this here but it bears repeating. If you are exploring a professional life in the arts, it never ends. The learning never ends, the auditioning, the classes, the fear, the anxiety… it all continues.
Today I got an appointment for a show I’ve been in for many times. The Broadway version and now 2x for the tour. Why did I get this new appointment? Because I have already been seen for this show 3 other times. What if i hadn’t put myself out there the other 3 times or the 1st time? What if i stopped because of my pride? Or didn’t give 100%? Or, what if every other time i’ve auditioned for that accompanist or casting director i left a bad impression or wasn’t as prepared as I could’ve been?
We have to treat any and all opportunities as a chance to shine and be seen. You never know how far you are going to kick the can down the road. Some people book a job on their first time seeing a CD. Some people make a good impression and that CD brings them in for YEARS to come. Sometimes, that CD may see you 50 times for comedy roles and never has seen you pull another lever. There is so much to do and show and the best thing we can do is show up 100% each time. We are auditioning for people, not jobs.
I signed up for an acting class next week. It’s simply a class that meets 2x but better than nothing. I’ll get to flex some muscles and apply feedback - THAT is the skill! We are always learning and if you can get yourself into a class to PRACTICE learning and applying feedback, it is worth it.
The long game can be a frustrating one. It is filled with obstacles, downtime, and such incredible highs AND lows. But you have to stay the course. I’ve taken plenty of breaks - sometimes for YEARS. Those were needed to live life and become a person with more life experience. Class, practice, say YES, and live life. That is how theatre is the long game.
Dreams Don’t Die