The Garden Path To Hell


From: The Mystery of Edwin Drood

“Grand dame” actress at the Music Hall. Age can definitely range, but we are supposed to believe she is old enough to have been a nanny 18 years ago. LOW VOICES. This gets down to a written solid F3, but on the recording you will hear a strong scoop under that to around an C3/D3.


From: The Mystery of Edwin Drood

“Grand dame” actress at the Music Hall. Age can definitely range, but we are supposed to believe she is old enough to have been a nanny 18 years ago. LOW VOICES. This gets down to a written solid F3, but on the recording you will hear a strong scoop under that to around an C3/D3.

From: The Mystery of Edwin Drood

“Grand dame” actress at the Music Hall. Age can definitely range, but we are supposed to believe she is old enough to have been a nanny 18 years ago. LOW VOICES. This gets down to a written solid F3, but on the recording you will hear a strong scoop under that to around an C3/D3.