Somebody Somewhere
From: The Most Happy Fella
Length: approx 80 seconds, easily internally cut to 60 or under. This cut INCLUDES the “intro” which is usually lost due to time. Make sure you keep the tempo brighter than normal! Don’t let her drag :)
Range: soprano tone up to G5
From: The Most Happy Fella
Length: approx 80 seconds, easily internally cut to 60 or under. This cut INCLUDES the “intro” which is usually lost due to time. Make sure you keep the tempo brighter than normal! Don’t let her drag :)
Range: soprano tone up to G5
From: The Most Happy Fella
Length: approx 80 seconds, easily internally cut to 60 or under. This cut INCLUDES the “intro” which is usually lost due to time. Make sure you keep the tempo brighter than normal! Don’t let her drag :)
Range: soprano tone up to G5