#100: NUMBER 100!!!
Friday 11/15/24
WOW BLOG #100! Holy shit I’ve never committed to something for this long. We aren’t doing a recap of the week, we are doing a 100 BLOG (not days, BLOGS!) recap!
I started this because it was about to be the summer and I was half in/out of my busy season. Something about me is that when I know I’m going to be busy, I add to my busy-ness. If I’m off on a weekend day, I’m OFF. I’m doing NOTHING. But, if I have lunch plans and tickets to a show, you can bet I’m also doing my laundry, going to the gym, and cleaning my apartment. I like my highs high, and my lows low. I’m sure that’s something “millenial-undiagnosed” but I prefer to say “if i don’t have to leave, i’m not!” So when I thought about adding a daily activity to my life while I’m approaching the 2 craziest months of my year, I said… well it’s now or never!
In the last 100 blogs, a lot has happened.
I filmed and edited over 500 videos for my college audition prep students
I had about 15-20 in person auditions
I had 3 serious callbacks
I had 1 job promised to me & pitched to me, and didn’t get it LOL
I had 1 final callback for a show that would’ve been amazing on the other side of the country. I’d be there now rehearsing. Would’ve been an amazing opportunity!
I went on a few trips - went to DC to see Nine, went to the Outer Banks, the jersey shore for a weekend, a weekend upstate for a wedding, and just got back from Columbus Ohio. Not too shabby.
I had a birthday too in there somewhere
Saw my friends in a ton of shows - I probably saw 20-25 productions in that time.
I paid my taxes quarterly lol #gome
And finally i OPENED MY OWN STUDIO! I’m headed there today to put some “final” touches on it. What a whirlwind but I love it and I’m so happy to “go to work”.
I don’t know how long I’ll keep this going. Until it feels done I guess. Thank you for being here and reading these. Hopefully they give you a bit of whatever it is you need and can take with you- some motivation, some reminders of acting tips & tricks, some encouragement, or maybe you just like hearing about my adventures. Perhaps I’ll change the model from monthly to just a 1 time fee and people can just come and go as they please or maybe I’ll convert these posts all into a coffee table book! People have always told me I should write a book. This is page 152 and thats gotta be some kind of book. I do think I’m going to run out of Merrily quotes for the titles soon. May have to pivot that too.
Oh, and if you are reading this, your next bill will only be $5 a month instead of $12 :) Love you!
Dreams Don’t Die