#110: Weekly Coaching & Audition Recap
Friday 11/29/24
Welcome to FRIDAY! Another weekly recap of coachings, auditions, SHOWS I SAW, and the show of the month update.
Also, since it’s black friday you should buy yourself a little treat :)
Actually, we aren’t going to recap much because I’ve already recapped so many of the info from my coachings this week plus I didn’t see any shows (well, i saw one, yay pippin at the barn! They were great, but i hate pippin lol), didn’t have any auditions, and I am Wonderland-ed out.
So instead… we are going to talk about theatre relationships and trust.
The week of Thanksgiving and then during break between Christmas and college students going back to school in January… i start seeing bookings come through with familiar names. When my “old” students are back home from a break, so many of them make sure to check in via booking a coaching. I put “old” in quotations because of how I work. I don’t have people “graduate” from me, or have any age restrictions, so people are welcome to come and go. I love that these relationships can be lifelong if the person chooses.
When those notifications come through “X has requested an appointment…” it is truly so affirming. They are getting an education that they are paying PLENTY for, but still want to work with me in between. This is so good for their long term growth - a life in theatre is a commitment to a life in continuing crafting your art - and also good to solidify the relationships they have with people they trust.
Our network as artists is wide and vast. I may go on to be a director someday, the people singing after them in musical theatre technique class getting yelled at may be an agent, the other students will be choreographers and casting directors and producers and music directors. Keeping relationships in the arts ALIVE is critical to us all.
And if they continue to trust me to advance their skill set… i’m happy to be a part of that larger network and they are a part of mine.
Dreams Don’t Die