#119: Up to us man, to show ‘em.
Thursday 12/12/24
Yesterday I was a guest on a musical theatre podcast called “From B.A. to Broadway” hosted by Brennan Stefanik. I actually didn’t ask what the title meant haha but I think it’s because he didn’t go to school for theatre which could be it?
We chatted for about 1.5 hours about all things college audition process. And I’m just going to toot my own horn for a second (something you have to do when you do not have a boss or a team)... i pretty much spoke for over an hour, off the dome, without know the questions before, about the process. I didn’t have to reference notes or and was pretty eloquent - tho i’m a bit of a talked lol i was able to get to the point.
Often I say that “this is the reason I was put on the planet” and i do mean that. Yes, I love acting and theatre… but I feel like my purpose is to inspire young people to purse their dreams. I live it every day and when I was going through this recording, I didn’t waiver. I’ve truly become an expert in this field.
I’m sharing this because (well, its MY blog haha) because purpose is so important to our lives. So often people find themselves in jobs that they like but aren’t actually fulfilling. To me, fulfilling isn’t about what makes me feel good about my work. It’s about how others engage with me and we learn together. Theatre and art can change the world, yes. We all know and believe that. But there is a 2nd part to that thought that people do not say out loud…. Theatre and art can change the world but ONLY IF THE PEOPLE ARE OPEN TO WHAT IT SAYS. My job is not to produce theatre and art that can change the world… my job is to produce people who are open.
Dreams Don’t Die