#126: Bending With The Road…

Monday 12/23/24

Are you waiting for your next audition? Downtime is the perfect opportunity to rework those auditioning muscles. It’s easy as an actor to get caught up in your own head, especially when it comes to auditions, and feedback isn’t always available, or clear! TODAY AND TOMORROW i’m supplying you with SEVEN Tips! 

Choose your piece wisely

Choosing a piece that you feel confident in performing and have really thought about is essential. Pick something energetic, that tells a story within itself, so the people in the room feel that they have been taken on the journey with you… a piece that feels like it is going somewhere, leaving the viewer wanting to know more, even in a short period.

Pieces that are internalized, or use devices such as talking on the phone, might not translate outwards, and you are trying to connect! So make sure you give yourself the best chance to connect with the people in the room! Be careful not to come across as inactive by choosing a piece or setting that doesn’t give you a chance to stretch or show what you can do, as this can really stifle the chance to show what you’ve got to offer.

Keep things flexible

It wouldn’t generally be expected of you to be off-book for a theatre audition.

Be malleable and adaptable according to what happens in the audition room.

Sometimes, if you know a piece absolutely by heart it can be hard to be adaptable to the direction given by the team. It’s always best to leave enough space to play.

Command the room

If you walk into a room and something doesn’t feel right, I guarantee… it’s not you.

Try not to take things too personally – there are so many factors involved in a casting.

Take your time and try not to second guess what a casting professional might be looking for. Be confident in your choices, be bold! Ground yourself first. Command the room. Start strong, draw us in with your body language and energy.

If you choose to sit, instead of stand, it is a perfectly valid choice in many auditions!


Dreams Don’t Die



#127: Bending With The Road PT 2


#125: Weekly Audition & Coaching Recap