#86: Time Goes By
Monday 10/28/24
Well, I know last week I talked about “disconnecting from the outcome” and this has to be talked about today again. This past week was the beginning of my students “prescreen season”. They are applying to 20+ schools and every day they may hear a “yes” or a “no” about advancing to the next step in the college audition process.
Daily, or in some cases HOURLY, students get those dreaded email notifications. “Congrats! You passed the prescreen” and 10 minutes later “this is the end of the road but feel free to explore other majors!”. It can feel extremely chaotic and unpredictable. In a few hours, these young people can experience the highest highs and the lowest lows. THIS IS NORMAL.
I know this is tough on parents too. But this is honestly just the beginning. The prescreen process just let’s your kid know earlier than later that it’s not a good fit. It feels terrible but it’s better to know that NOW. Why go through the stress of a live audition, the money it costs, to just end up with a “no” anyway? Yes it feels bad but it’s only temporary. When you cast a wide net, it’s easier to say “on to the next”.
Hear me on this: it will get harder before it gets easier.
I hate to say that reality check but it is accurate. I’ve simply been doing this too long. I’ve been the most fabulously talented, highly trained, young performers with professional credits end up with 2 acceptances out of 25 applications. The sooner parents and students can accept this - the easier it will be.
Yes, you can be sad. Of course! But, in a career where we are always wanting to dream big, we also have to balance that with reality. There will be days where you (or your student) feel completely defeated. It’s ok to feel that way. Just know it won’t last. It’s just tough that day.
Dreams Don’t Die