#94: Some Rides Are Breezy

Thursday 11/7/24


(still mad that doesn’t scan… Acting Tip Tuesday is way better)

Well, as you are reading this i am IN THE AIR! I’m on my way to Columbus, Ohio for 5 days to visit an ex (messy!!!) and change the scenery a bit. 

I want you to talk to yourself. Yes. Be weird. Talk to yourself. 

You have to connect your thoughts. The best way to practice this is to use your own words and your own language to link lines or phrases. I want you to say it out loud. For example (since i saw Ragtime this week!):

2nd verse ending:

We Can Never Go Back To Before.

There are people out there….

How do we link those phrases and ACT between the phrase. There are a few measures of silence - but the acting doesn’t stop. The thought stays consistent regardless of the stop in the vocal. 

My first improv thought is:

We Can Never Go Back To Before

(no, we absolutely cannot, I cannot because…)

There are people out there…

Just that simple adjustment keeps it less “ok act on your face” during the rests. SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Do that 25 times. Change it up. Say other words. And then keep the intent but take away the words. 

Give it a try in a piece you sing all the time!

Dreams Don’t Die



#95: Weekly Coaching & Audition Recap


#93: Dear Julie… better self tapes?